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Disable Advertising ID Tracking, Third-Party Cookie & Personalized Ads Section


Are you an Android12 user?

If yes, here’s something for you that will improve the privacy and security of your phone. Do you know the advertising ID that is associated with your android phone? You can delete it. Know the tips in this post to remove advertising ID tracking on Android Phones.

A new privacy sandbox project is released by Google. Every ad has a unique advertisement ID. Whenever someone creates an advertisement they need to give access to collect some information about the person. In a hidden way, It collects the individual’s device data. To manage and upgrade the privacy one level up, the advertisement ID will get replaced with some other accessibility features. It will reduce the data collection risk and keep the device secure.

Google shared a post regarding the futuristic changes in the technology of the web world, according to that, new tools are going to be discovered in the future that will be rich in privacy and secure users’ personal data as well as advantageous to companies and developers. Everything will be accessible and open to everyone, be it companies, developers, or users.

3 Ways to Block Manage advertising ID tracking on Android Phone

Nowadays when any user gets engaged with the advertisement content, it tracks your information in the form of cookies. A unique snippet code is associated with the advertisement that tells the advertisement owner about the user’s browning activities. During any period of 2023 google will roll out a new feature regarding the third-party cookies concept. 

Most of the big app manufacturers and social media platforms collect users’ data on their servers in any format. It can be cookies or anything else they can misuse for their personal profit. Many times the news channels that XYZ platform users’ data got lost or out of access or stolen. Such things put the user’s data at threat.

Apple has made a market position for privacy and security. To upgrade the privacy and security, iOS 14.5 updates released by Apple have made some big improvements and fixes. Now users can keep themselves safe from tracking any advertisements activity.

Artificial Intelligence-based technology tools have made things easier for advertising agencies. They can filter the audience and their interest by accessing the advertising ID. To avoid any risk or unauthorized tracking you can remove advertising ID on android phones.

  • Go to Settings App.
  • Navigate to privacy settings.
  • Click on Ads.
  • Tap on Delete Advertising ID.

When anyone will look for the advertising ID of the user. They will get nothing except the zeroes. All the personalized ads will stop displaying on your phone.

You can’t remove all the advertisements from your phone but it will give you relaxation of all the same type of stuff displayed everywhere. You can check other trending suggestions that everyone is exploring.

All the Android 12 OS phone users can access this feature to remove the advertising ID from their phone. By the end of April 2022, this feature will be available to the rest of the users to avoid unnecessary tracking and advertising suggestions.

Turn off Personalized Ads from Android Phone

If you are not an Android 12 OS user and don’t want to see personalized ads on your phone then this method will work for you.

It is simple to do it by yourself.

  • First, explore the Setting app.
  • Scroll down till you navigate to Google.
  • The Navigate to Ads option appeared there.
  • Set the toggle on disable personalization option.

Now you’ll not see any ads personalized by google for you. Remember that, this action will not remove advertising ID on android phones.

Come out of this option now. 

If you want to disable the google product/ services personalized suggestion stuff on your phone then disable the option of personalizing using shared data.

  • Back to Homescreen and access Google account, data & privacy option to manage the settings here.
  • Navigate to the Ad set.
  • Disable the toggle and advanced options too.

Block Third-Party Cookie 

To disable the cookies tracking by third-party companies, agencies, websites, and apps on chrome, you can try this method. It will block all the cookies to save on their end. It will upgrade the security and privacy of your android device.

  • Google Chrome’s Setting.
  • Security & privacy Setting.
  • General Setting.
  • Navigate to the Third-party cookies option to manage the settings.
  • Disable them to block the accessibility.

We use Google chrome on multiple sites and most probably use the same Google ID to browse and access any app website accessibility. The above mythos will block the third-party cookie activity only for the android smartphone. If you want to do the same for your PC then repeat the same for PC also. It won’t take much effort and time. Hence get away from unnecessary tracking activities over the browser.

We hope this is something interesting for you to upgrade the privacy & security on your android phone as well as on the PC.

All these to-do methods to remove the advertising ID Tracking are efficient to remove the clutter of too many advertisement suggestions based on your personalized activities. Now, you can see and explore much more from your past activities. Look beyond the personalized suggestions by performing these methods to remove advertisement ID on phones.

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