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Facebook Messenger App Down Again In Europe And UK

Facebook Messenger App Down Again In Europe And UK

Facebook Messenger is the second most popular messaging platform used by people to stay connected to their family and friends. Reportedly, the messaging app has crashed again. The users in some parts of Europe and UK are facing a few issues related to sending and receiving of messages using the platform. This is not the first time that the app has crashed. Just a few days back Facebook Messenger was crashed and the issue was resolved in some time. According to the report, a number of users complained facing the issue of not being able to use the app since the morning. The app started facing the outages around 6 am ET. it is said that the app was still not working at around 5 pm.

Reportedly the issue was with Android and iOS platforms. The desktop application was working just as usual. To this issue, a Facebook spokesperson, Dalya Browne said that earlier today a few people may have faced some issues in sending and receiving messages in the application.
But, a report mentioned that was unable to connect through Facebook Messenger. Previously, just a few days back the Facebook Messenger faced an outage which caused the users across the globe face a technical glitch and it lasted almost throughout the day but finally, it was resolved.

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