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Code Verify Extension: Meta’s Tool to Secure from Whatsapp QR code Hack


Whatsapp has become the favorite of every individual. Now we don’t use our phone’s messaging app to manage conversations, we just open WhatsApp and type the things and send it to our contacts. Whatsapp offers great features and one of the commendable features is data & privacy managed by the latest encryption and 2-factor authentication.

Tech experts always suggest using the latest version of apps & software so no privacy or security patches are encountered. 

Are you using the latest version of WhatsApp or not?

Meta has launched a new extension that enables the access to identify the latest version and other information. 

Nowadays we use WhatsApp on the PC using Whatsapp web and access public or private wifi connections. Hackers are active in the web world and may attack or try to access data. 

Meta’s new extension will let you know if someone has tried to access the WhatsApp account and its data or not.

If third-party software is approaching your data to make some changes.

They can also access & read your source code and make modifications to functionalities or data or other accessibilities. They can track all the information on your account and perform unusual activities. Hackers and third-party influence sources may target the IP address of the individual’s account and change the QR code for their purposes.

Read this post to know the activation process of Code Verify Extension step by step,

Secure your Whatsappweb using the Code Verify Extension

Meta extension offers specific verification accessibilities and proper integration. To verify the authenticity and reliability of WhatsApp web install the Code Verify chrome extension from the store.

  • Search for Code Verify and tap to add to the Extension collection. It will take a while to add to your extension collection.
  • Confirm the popup appearing with the message to add to extensions.
  • For early accessibility, you can pin it to the top side of the browser.
  • Once the extension is added next login to the WhatsApp web account scanning the QR code.

If your WhatsApp web version is secured and no third party or hacker software sneaked into it. The status will verify with a green tick otherwise it will display the alerts and other items to check the complications.

This Code Verify WhatsApp web verification is available for Mac OS and Windows OS both.

You can go with any version, however, the process may change a little bit but serves the same functionalities for the integrity and reliability of WhatsApp web users’ accounts.

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