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Strong Women are in Every Home, Support them! Get Women’s day quotes and wishes here

Women's day

On 8th March international women’s day is celebrated across the globe. Today, everyone is talking about this day. Companies and communities are organizing special events for all the women to show respect and love. It should be like this as they are special so there’s nothing wrong with treating them as special people.

Women only need love, care, and respect like the way you expect of yourself and your family. They should be treated with the same respect and warmth as today. 

Make a Promise To Make Your Women Happier and Independent 

Women’s day is not about exchanging wishes, sending gifts, and giving them off from their responsibilities for today only. If you want to give something to your women, let them live their life in their own way. Don’t bound the limits, let them choose their own path, let them achieve their dreams. Have faith in them, let them be responsible and independent. This is only what they want from their family and this society.

When your girl asks something from you it is not because they are looking for your permission or they can’t take any decision. It is just that they want to make you part of their important things. Women can do anything that they want to achieve but don’t want to go against their families. They just can’t hurt anybody.

  • In our society still, there’s thinking when a girl child is born their families start taking tension in their marriage but there is no one who thinks to make them independent or to follow their dreams. The family starts collecting money and all the essential financial investment not for their education but for the wedding and dowry.
  • No matter how many laws and regulations have been formed by the government, the mentality is still the same. The dowry concept is still there. Don’t know why this is a matter of glory. People make this a topic of discussion in society that we have got this much in our son’s marriage, how much you’ve got. If the son is in a government job this amount will increase. 
  • This is a marriage, not a financial deal. God knows when this mentality will change. After taking a huge amount of dowry people don’t give respect and love to girls and torture them for money. 

If someone wants to do anything on this women’s day, just stop this dowry custom, low thinking, and show respect. 

Many people out there talk like women are weak, they only cry. Is that so there’s a question from our side: could you leave your home and shift to an unknown place where you don’t know anyone? Could you leave your career to manage responsibilities and allow yourself to follow your dreams?

Only women can do that so show some gratitude to every woman for whatever they do. Be it following their dreams or managing the home. Women are doing their jobs 24 hours.

See around yourself, women are emerging as powerful leaders, businesswomen, sportspeople, etc. They are possessing their responsibilities in every field be it tech, army, politics, homemaking, or anything.

On this women’s day do one thing only to make them happier, understand their value, be their partner, try to help them in whatever they do.

Some quotes to greet and show love to your women:

She is a mother, a girl, a wife. She is powerful and special in every role.

A woman is strong enough to pursue her dreams, you just need to support her.

Give her wings she will touch the sky!

Women are incredible, they are born to shine, don’t construct the limits around them.

Happy Women’s Day 2022!

She is queen make a safe empire to live and chase their dreams, Wish your lady a happy women’s day!

She is a nurturer so just don’t try to do anything wrong with them, Happy Women’s day!

Support the women in every step they are taking towards their dreams!

Girls’ careers are also a priority; they are not limited to household responsibilities. Value their efforts. Promise her to live her dreams and be a support system! Happy Women’s day!

She can dream and she can achieve, she can do anything.

Women are already superheroes with special powers, don’t underestimate them!

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