Youtube Begins Trying Out Ad Pods; To Replace Pause In Videos

Youtube Begins Trying Out Ad Pods; To Replace Pause In Videos

Search Giant, Google is trying and testing a new way to show ads on YouTube. Until now, YouTube has been displaying ads just in between the videos, this way it could be very distracting for almost all the users, especially when the videos are longer. But now, the search giant has begun trying out ad pods. It is the latest feature where YouTube will play two back-to-back skippable ads in between the videos. According to the company, it will lead “up to 40 per cent lesser interference by ads in between the video sessions”. The feature will soon roll out to desktops and it will soon be followed by TVs and mobiles.

Google mentioned in a blog post that the way users watch video is changing. Based on the user experience research, Google mentions that apart from the factors like the length of ads, users are very sensitive to the frequency of ad breaks particularly in between longer video sessions. It also affirmed that lesser interference is related to improved user rates. It also includes decreasing leaving behind the content and increasing rates of ad viewing. To improve that, the company has now begun testing ad pod. It means that the video streaming platform will only show two back to back ads. Also with this, the users will have an option to skip these videos. It is a great way to decrease the interruption by the ads during videos.

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