Facebook Inc WhatsApp messaging platform in all over the world stopping message “forwards” to five chats at a time, an increase of disinformation on WhatsApp, Facebook, and many other Social Media platform becomes a leading point of discussion of last year. To action against fake news on its Chat platform, WhatsApp found launch ads to make the WhatsApp user more aware and more careful towards the spreading of misinformation. One of the estimate WhatsApp institute to restriction the spread of rumour was confirmed the forward feature to just five chats. These specifications were first provided to Indian WhatsApp user in July last year and currently, the company is processed towards the internationally. The forward limit will be primary deliver to the Android user in this weekend and same for the iPhone user.
WhatsApp taking this decision after the analysis of the user’s feedback for limit forward message to five chats. Going ahead, all the WhatsApp user on the updated version will only able to send a message up to a maximum of five people at once. A WhatsApp spokesperson said to PTI that throughout the trial period, the company saw a 25 per cent of depletion of the forwarded messages rolled out on WhatsApp. Although the Indian government also update the IT rules- is persue to make Social media platform more liable by compulsory them launch tools that can identify and stop illegal content.
However, the WhatsApp is so far, oppose the government demand for the spot the message creators, asserts that such an action would threaten the end-to-end encryption and the private nature of the platform, generating capacity for significant exploit. PTI.

Amit is from Ujjain. His passion for gadgets got him to write content for techno secrets. Apart from gadgets, Amit loves to travel and is a big time foodie. In his spare time, Amit likes to know about things related to ancient history, new discoveries and the latest trends going on in the market.