Share Amazon Prime Content 30 sec Clips Through iOS Device

Share Amazon Prime Content 30 sec Clips Through iOS Device

Are you a regular Amazon Prime viewer?

Here is exciting news for you. Now, you can share your favorite web series, movies, and videos on your iOS device. Amazon Prime recently upgraded a new clip-sharing feature. Till now, there is no accessibility support to share your favorite scene and clips.

With this new Amazon Prime feature, you can share what you love and share amazing video clips with your loved ones with just one click. The duration of the video will be 30sec. This screen sharing feature was not available earlier but as viewers were wishing to access something like this here it is.

These short clips will be sharable on all the popular social media platforms Facebook, Whatsapp, Instagram, Twitter through a single direct message. The feature is enabled on fewer popular content. iOS users living in the US can access this feature and have it with their loved ones.

X-ray technology has made this thing possible and accessible on Amazon Prime. To access this new feature update the app. If you are watching a web series or movie and you love something that you instantly want to share with your friends and family then you just have to go to the bottom screen and you’ll see an option or button ‘share a clip’. The action will stop the video, now you can access the interface to edit the clip and share, forward or backward, which part you want to share. Once things are done, share on any social media platforms.

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