US-based tech giant Google has declared that it will suspend John Legend’s voice for Assistant voice on March 23.
“#HeyGoogle, serenade me one more time.” Enjoy @JohnLegend’s cameo Google Assistant voice before it comes to an end on March 23,” the organization tweeted on Friday.
The organization disclosed big-name voices for Assistant at I/O 2018 with artist John Legend.
As indicated by The Verge, Google never proposed to keep the voice appearance forever. It recently noticed that the element would run for a restricted time, yet the organization never determined to what extent it would last.
According to a report, for the time being, the individuals who truly need a big name voice as your Google Assistant over the standard determinations, Google will keep on offering comedian Issa Rae as an alternative.
Moreover, Google has begun revealing its article-reading highlight ‘Read Out Loud’, which works with 42 dialects, to all the Android cell phone users over the globe.
To utilize the element, one can basically say: “Hey Google, read it” or “Hey Google, read this page” for the Assistant to read the content on the screen.
The screen will likewise feature the content that Assistant is as of now reading so clients can track with on the page as it is being recited for all to hear.
One can likewise adjust the understanding pace and browse various voices.

Searching for new things, she has found herself as a writer. In the midst of day to day routine life, she finds her peace in reading and painting. With a passion for reading, she believes in learning new things to add value to her own as well as to the lives of others around her.